There are the following 10 mind-blowing facts that sound like ‘BS’, but are true: –
F1 Drivers monitored their weight more than a catwalk model
We all know that the most restrictive profession where eating and diet are considered is modelling. They starve themselves for their profession. Another profession can be jockeys, who often take diuretics to keep their weight low. But there is a profession that is worst: Formula one. F1 racing is a scarily precise science. Their cars are structured as streamline so they had to carry minimal weight. If a car carrying 2 kg extra weight then It can wipe out each 0.1 sec on every lap.
Red Bull gives you wings
Every one of us has heard a slogan from the advertisement of famous Red Bull i.e. “Red Bull gives you wings.” A consumer of fizzy beverages claimed that he would consume Red Bull for 10 years. It neither gave him wings nor improve any athletic skills. So, he filed a case against the company of Red Bull and ask to pay $31mn for the damage from which $6.5m will return to the people as refund who have consumed this beverage since 2002 through ‘Red Bull Settlement’.

After jumping from the Empire State building 86th floor, a woman survived
Get out of the top of the Empire State Building is quite final. You dive around 86 stories onto hard, unforgiving concrete. Nobody can survive from this unless your name is Elvita Adams. In 1979, the Bronx resident decided to end it. When she was observing the building, suddenly climbs on the top and jump. When she was taken to the hospital, she was still alive. The suspense is ended by further research, Adams did jump off and go crashing down onto the concrete. After despairingly leaping out into the unknown, Adams was buffeted by a freak gust of wind. That blow her onto the ledge of the 85th floor.
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Soccer has ended multiple wars
Europeans generally beat each other into comas while watching any sport. They could run so fast that that could change the fate of the beleaguered nation. Soccer has been the biggest cause in ending three separate civil wars. Two of them took place in the Ivory Coast. The first Civil war has killed nearly 2500 people. The reason behind the ending of the war is the soccer team who was qualified for the world cup and the Ivory Coast soccer team dropped to their knees and begged the nation to keep the differences aside.
Bee Gees can song staying you alive
It is a 1970s disco that happens to be called Stayin’ Alive possible help you to stay alive. This particular Bee Gees song averages 103 beats per minute. That’s the rhythm a person needs to be hitting if he is giving an emergency CPR. Emergency medical courses like lifeguards frequently train their students using Stayin’ alive. AHA (American Heart Association) advised in an event of a heart attack “call 9-1-1 and push hard and fast in the centre of the chest to the beat of the classic disco song “Stayin’ Alive.”
A town in Japan where most of the population are dolls
In the 1960s the nagoro village of japan has hundreds of people living there. They were all employees in the companies constructed on the dams, used for hydroelectric power generation. After the completion of the dam, employment opportunities vanished so all the youngsters moved away. The only woman left there is an old lady name TsukimiAyano because her parents were sick. So, she began making dolls to memorialize them. She has created over 400 life-sized dolls.

Snake can bite you when they are dead or even their head is chopped off
In 2018 a Texas family found a diamondback rattlesnake in their backyard. He quickly chopped his head with a shovel. He thought it was dead so he went to pick up the snake and it bit on the person’s hand, unloading all its venom at once. Normally if a rattlesnake bit someone, it is like 2-3 venom doses but in this case, it is like 26 venom doses.
People have fun jumping over babies, in Spain
In a Spanish village, Castrillo De Murcia, citizens continue to mix old catholic and pagan traditions once a year for their baby jumping festival. The babies born in that town are baptized in the catholic church. A man dressed yellow and wear a mask that is supposed to represent the devil runs through the streets hitting everyone. The same man jumping over the babies laying on the mattress. This is called “the flight of the devil,” and represents taking away original sin.
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Spartans used drinking wine as a torture method
The Spartans are considered the great warriors in history. Every single soldier in their army was completely fit and a perfect specimen of fitness. Their attitude towards alcohol was very strict. Getting drunk was unheard of, if someone over-indulged in drinking they were severely punished. From the Spartans’ perspective of getting drunk was seen as a form of torture.
Lightning strikes give you sweet ass tats
Getting hit by a bolt of lightning is not fun. Aside from knowing that Zeus is angry because of you and as a result, you can suffer terrible agony, scary burns, might stop your heart, or just wind up getting a sweet-ass tattoo. You will get a tattoo like a tree or a fern on your neck, arms, back, or chest when the lightning explodes nearby and it will remain for 15 days or 1 month.