
How are private and unlisted YouTube videos different?

When uploading a video on youtube, you must have got different options such as Public, unlisted and private. What are their categories and how each and every category is different? Let’s solve this issue right here with The Answerpup. Woof!.

Public YouTube Videos

Public Video as the name suggests Anyone at YouTube can see the public video. It can even be shared with everyone all over the world. These videos will be listed on your channel and get listed on your channel and can also be searched on youtube search. It is what makes the channel rank on YouTube.

Private YouTube Video

When the video is private/locked it means it cannot be seen or listed on the channel. It can only be shared with a limited number of people directly through their email addresses. They must have their own accounts and the maximum number is 50 Participants. The video will not be listed nor will show under search.

Unlist YouTube Videos

Unlisted means your video will not come up in search results or on your channel. It can only be accessed with a special link only visible to the channel owner and moderator. The link can be shared with everyone and can be viewed with or without an Account.

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Ritik Banger

Founder and Editor of Answer Pup. An Engineer who loves to write in History, Politics, Tech, Opinion, and Facts.

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