
Why and how is 42 the answer to life the universe and everything?

Immediately, you will access the full meaning of the angelic number “42”. It is not by chance that you have often seen the angelic number 42. Know that it is a sign from your guardian angels to say that they have a message for you. To check out, we will have to look into the meaning of this number. So, we can understand what our guardian angels are trying to tell us. We will instantly show you the full interpretation of the angelic number 42. While reading for everything stay focused to grasp the message intended for you. Don’t hesitate to read and reread as many times as you need to.

The angelic number 42 has a special message for you from angles.

They implore you to have faith. Your prayers are heard and the angelic universe responds favorably. Your guardian angels are working with you while helping you be successful. So, identify your hunches, and make sure they are concise and clear.

Then evoke them to your protectors and guides to achieve whatever you desire in your life. Your guardian angels, often showing you the angelic number, ask you to pursue the ideal career or profession for you. If you are going to start your spirituality-based and heart-based business, practice, or profession, your guardian angels want you to know that they are helping you build a solid foundation so that by working the service of your fellow men, you manifest all that you want and need in your life through the angelic number 42, your guardian angles tell you to pursue your passions and your goals in life. When you do something you love, you put all your heart soul into it to achieve your goals. Remember that guardian angels are guiding and assisting you are every stage of your life.

The Angelic Number- 42

The angelic number 42 is the Combine of the attributes, features, and vibration of the angelic numbers 4 and 2. The number 4 symbolizes practicality through safety, inner wisdom, perseverance, productivity, and the establishment of solid foundations. The number 2 represent love, Sensitivity duality, faith, confidence, flexibility, meditation, understanding, diplomacy, harmony, courage, and servitude. But the angelic number 42 is also the sign of passion those which motivate you and which animate you every day. It tells you to live your life and your passion to the fullest for a better future.

number 42

From the early primitive men and women to most of the genius persons, humanity has reached different heights of development. 2 million years ago, where we first discovered fire and only some days ago, another Rocketship has launched. Despite being able to conquer even the last frontier, which is space, there is an earthlier dilemma that we cannot solve and that is the meaning of our existence.

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When we started to find the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything then we forget the question. There is a famous comic entitled “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adam, the fictional supercomputer Deep thought was asked to calculate the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, asking its creators to come back thousand of years later, it gave the result as “42” but as people were not satisfied by the result then the computer asked, What was the question? But at this time nobody remembers the question to that ultimate answer 42. From here on people started believing that the meaning of life is 42.

The Ultimate Answer- 42

Many kinds of research were made on this and the number is also composed and decomposed several times but at the end, the conclusion to the whole research is that 42 is the result of 6 times multiple of 7 (6*7).

If we see mathematically then 42 is termed as primary pseudo-perfect number i.e. the sum of the inverses of its primary digits (2,3,7) is 1. In the Mathematics Olympiad, the perfect score is considered 42/42. Some of the researches which are deep-dived considered that 42 is made from three 2s i.e. 2*2 2.

It is said that 42 is the answer to anything because it represents completeness. Some people claim that 42 also symbolizes the ‘Presence of God with us’, oneself plus god’s presence equal to two, this concluded that this number could represent the second coming of Christ.

If we speak in terms of conspiracy theorists, gave us a grimmer interpretation “42 is the secret code for catastrophes within the secret societies. When it comes to Douglas, ‘to burst our bubble’ the answer to this is ‘It was a joke’, It had to be a number an ordinary small number and he chose that one. He sat on his desk and think randomly that 42 will do.

Life has the meaning, you give to it, be it a number or anything. If you have been ever wondered that we all have seen the universe around us, but the universe has no meaning in itself, but the meaning we give to it. So, what is the meaning of our life? You should be delighted that the earth didn’t get destroyed in the search for the ultimate question to the ultimate answer as shown in Adam’s book.

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Ritik Banger

Founder and Editor of Answer Pup. An Engineer who loves to write in History, Politics, Tech, Opinion, and Facts.

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