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How to do full body workout at home?

During this Covid-19 situation many people are unable to go outside or gyms for a workout. So, to maintain your physical and mental health, here are some important exercises that you can perform at your home. These workouts are good for beginners who want to start their fitness journey. It is going to be the workout for your entire body. Those having some experience in fitness can increase their intensity a bit. These are some of the best cardio exercises. It will give you benefits and you will see the results within 2-3 weeks. So, here is the full body workout.

1. Jumping Jacks – Jumping jack is a good cardio exercise that can be performed at home. Jump out hands up on over hands and jump back in then stretch your left leg and repeat the same with the right leg. This will be going to burn out your belly fat and balances the heart rate, increasing blood circulation all over the body. It is a fun exercise so it will also elevate your mood.

full body workout at home

2. Mountain climbers – This exercise work upon your muscles and joints. Mostly it targets the back, hip, abs, shoulders, and muscles. For this get down in the position with high planks, your shoulder with the entire body should be in one line. Get your knee towards your chest then repeat the same with another knee. It will strengthen your core as you simultaneously work on cardinal and muscular abundance. 

full body workout at home

3. Bicycle crunches – It will target your entire abdomen, get down on the ground and lie back opposite knee to elbow and repeat on the same to the other side and extend that other leg. You will feel your abs contracting when you’ll bring your knee and elbow close. This exercise will target your abs and will help you to get deep abs and it also helps to improve core muscles and coordination.

full body workout at home

4. Spot Jumps – If we are walking then it will burn about 200-300 calories within one hour but through spot jumps you can burn out 900-1000 calories within an hour. For this, you have to stand on your feet and jump up and down for about 1 minute. Doing this will increase your metabolism, oxygen capacity, oxygen circulation to the tissues and helps in improving cardiovascular health.

full body workout at home

5. Sprawls – Sprawl exercise is considered the best exercise to improve your strength, stamina, and speed. For this, lie on the ground, with the back facing the top, and bend up and down alternately. It also strengthens your feet work on the muscles of the lower and upper body.

full body workout at home

6. Squat Jumps –This exercise is a power pack exercise and hit version of squats exercise which focuses majorly on your glutes, muscles of your legs, and lower abs. For this, stand on your feet and jump up and down but as you go down just bend a little bit and keep your hands across your chest. It will shed the fat from your lower body and improves your butt, legs, strength, and balance. If you want to skill it up then you can carry dumbbells in your hands while doing this.

full body workout at home

7. Elbow Plank – Elbow plank will help you to improve your balance, metabolism, coordination, and core muscles. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulder and step out on your toes, entire body in one line, squeeze your abs, and hold for 45 seconds. It also increases your flexibility.

full body workout at home

8. Flutter kicks –This will improve your thighs, glutes, and lower body part. It strengthens your lower body muscles. For this, you have to sit back, with feet out in front of you, and move them to alternate up and down. If you want to make it a little harder, get your hands off and clasp them in front and do the same thing with feet. 

full body workout at home

9. High Knees – High knees up will strengthen the muscle of your legs and maintain momentum, coordination, and flexibility. It also helps in reducing belly fat. In standing position get your knee up towards your chest and hop alternate and move a little faster. If you want to skill it down just do a high knee march and avoid the hop.

full body workout at home

10. Russian Twist – For this, you have to sit down, keep your heels on the ground torso up nice and tall and keep twisting from one side to another side. Russian twist focuses on your spine and strengthens your core. It helps in balancing and building stability in your spine and mid-section of your body.

full body workout at home

11. Leg tuck-ins – Leg tuck-ins and twists will increase your strength and helps to burn out extra fat from your body. Helps in strengthening your upper and lower body part. For this, you have to get your legs out and bring your knees towards your chest and push back out and if you are a beginner put your hands next to your hips otherwise do it with your hands off.

full body workout at home

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Equipment workout is simultaneously important for body because it directly focuses on particular muscle and happened in a very controlled way.

These exercises will help you to avoid injuries and directly focuses on abdominal muscles. It will take less time to show their results as compared to the workout without equipment. With these exercises, you can boost your stamina, metabolism rate and balance your cardiovascular health.

1. Wide Smith Machine:- This machine targets your glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings, and squats begin by settings the bar to your shoulder heights and load the weight appropriate to you so start with 10kg – 15kg on each side position yourself right in the center with a bar resting on your shoulders, not your neck. Your next grip the bar firmly with the palms facing forward stand-in a wide stance your knees and toes pointed outward as you inhale bend you to lower back yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor in a slow and maintained manner.

2. Lat Pulldown:- This machine works in your lats or wings hold the bar in a grip chest, upwards back slightly arched and feet firmly on the floor, as you exhale pull the bar down towards your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades together for one count and feels the contraction on your lats inhale and slowly release the bar back to starting position.

3. Dumbbell Fly: – This is a great exercise for work on your chest muscles but to also work on your stability and mobility in your joints.  Lie down on flat bench feet firmly on the floor a dumbbell in each hand directly above your chest and palms facing each other you can start with 5kg-7.5kg each. Breath in and lower the dumbbells to the sides in a slow and controlled manner until about chest level as you breathe out,  squeeze and engage your packs together to bring the dumbbells back up, and rotate your wrist to face you this rotation on the wrists will help to engage your chest muscles even more.

4. Low Cable Crossover: – Start with 5 the lightest weight which is about five kilos each start with two pulleys at the bottom position grab the handles and step forward until there is enough tension in the pulleys. Your aunt should be at about a 30-degree angle from your sight pumps facing forward arm. Stay straight with a slight bend at the elbows as you breathe out contract your upper chest to pull your arms up tighter until they are at about shoulder level palms and facing up breath in and slowly release to starting position, the movement should be coming from your arms by engaging your chest muscles. Your entire body should be in a stable position.

5. Seated Chest press: – This Exercise is majorly focused on the chest muscle and the secondary muscles are the shoulders and triceps. Adjust the seat of the machine so that handle would be in line with the chest level not above or below it sit with your back fully against the chair chest should up and always keep your abs tight.  Start handle machine using palm down and elbows bent position at a 90-degree angle using the foot pedal to help lift the weight stack once it’s lifted place your feet flat on the floor as you exhale extend your arms and push the handles forwards do not unlock your elbows always keep the slightly bent squeeze the chest muscles and hold for two counts inhale and slowly release your arms to chest level in 90-degree level and repeat.

6. Leg Extension: – Leg Extension machine which works primarily on your quads there is the main adjustment. Back is fully Supported Forward the seat or back until your back is fully supported. There should not be any gap when you are seated, Rested on the lowest part of the shin, just above the feet. Then bring the leg support all the way back until your legs are at a 90-degree angle hold onto the handle on the side of the machine. Stretch your legs upwards until your knees are straight but it should not be locked. Engage your quad muscles to hold and squeeze for one count and inhale.

7. Seated Leg Curl Machine: – This exercise works the opposite muscle which is the Hamstring (Semitendinosus. Semimembranosus. the Biceps femoris). This machine also has three main adjustment points. Adjust the machine seat forward or back until your back is fully supported with no gap. Sit and place the back of your legs on the pedal with rest you have to adjust so that it’s rested securely on your ankles the lift of the lap pad up so that your legs are fully stretch in front of you with your feet facing forward. Bend at the knees to curl your heels down towards the back of your thighs and get your hamstrings to hold the contracted position for a second inhale and slowly release to the starting position.

8. Shoulder Press: – shoulder Press machine which works primarily on your shoulder and the secondary muscles worked on are your triceps. Adjust the seat height up or down so that handle is in line with your shoulder level again. Always check that your back is fully against the chair chest up and keeping your abs tight hold the handles with the palms facing and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, as you exhale extend your arms straight up until they are fully extended, but do not lock your elbows hold the position for two counts and slowly free it to starting position and repeat again.

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Ritik Banger

Founder and Editor of Answer Pup. An Engineer who loves to write in History, Politics, Tech, Opinion, and Facts.

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