You can’t achieve big goals by following these 10 minutes tasks but if you follow them regularly in your daily routine then you will get something that will be helpful for the rest of your life.
It is not a 1 day or 2 days process, following these essential tasks regularly, will make you more productive, achieve more, and simplify your life. If you want to pursue less and achieve more choose these tasks and focus completely on getting them done.
1. Reading Speed
The average reading speed is 250 to 300 words per minute. Increase your reading speed if it is less than 250 wpm. To achieve this first eliminate the voice inside your head. Just work on eliminating the voice, Why? Because you can’t say words nearly as fast as you comprehend them. If your reading speed is quite slow try to use a pencil as a guide whenever you are reading something. Daily 10 minutes of reading practice would be sufficient to increase your reading capability.
2. Stop Procrastinating
Avoid delaying your work as it is not a good habit especially for students and working people. Some actions you can take to avoid procrastinating are: – Maintain and follow a proper timetable and also mark deadlines in it, Sometimes there is a load of work so divide them into sub works and complete them accordingly, Change your environment to avoid unnecessary distraction and hangout with people who motivate you to take actions and complete the tasks.
3. Learn to control yourself
Be protective rather than reactive. To shift your behavior from reactive to protective Pay attention to your behavior, write down small things like work, relationships, etc., and work on them one by one. Relax your mind for 10 minutes a day. At that time just leave your work, sit peacefully and calm your mind. You can meditate at this time.
4. Improve your vocabulary
Sometimes it happens that you are having a good command of your language but not on the vocabulary. For this, you should use a dictionary and thesaurus, develop a reading habit, play games like scrabble and boggle, study several words through flashcards and try to use new words in your daily conversation.
5. Improve your accent
For better communication, your accent should be good. Initially get familiar with the language do practice in your daily routine. Identify words meaning pronunciation and improve vocabulary. Listen to the people while talking, watch movies of the native language. It will enhance your accent and communication.
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6. Analyse past mistakes for 10 minutes
You can only learn from your mistakes when you admit them. Think about the mistakes you made in past, try to figure out the errors, and resolve these errors so that you won’t repeat the same mistakes. Get the answer to these questions from yourself, What I wanted to do? What went wrong? When you acknowledge your mistake, you can prevent them from happening again.
7. Make commitments and goals
When you make a commitment to yourself and take some actions to complete that then setting goals will be the first step. If you will make commitments and goals, it will give you direction for your destination. If your destination is set, you won’t end up wasting your time in finding the path. And if you have some commitments, it will keep you away from any kind of distraction and you will be more focused on your work.
8. Walk for 10 minutes
Walking 10 minutes helps you to think about yourself deeply. It is also helpful for great health and blood sugar & blood pressure. It also keeps you active during your work and study routine. It will also make you calm in stressed work.
9. Learn simple navigations
Navigation helps you to give a proper direction to the human, ship, plane, and vehicle. These navigation systems are a compass, GPS, and maps. They help you to reach out to your particular destination and you will be understanding to routes quickly and safely.
10. Read Newspaper daily for 10 minutes
Reading Newspaper helps you to increase writing and reading skills. It enhances your current affairs, boosts knowledge, Business Skills, and worldwide updates. It also makes you a good speaker as well in debates and competitive examinations.
Bonus: Brain Exercise
Brain exercise boosts memory focused, Learn and mental skills. These you can do in daily routine like build vocabulary, solve a jigsaw puzzle, play chases, dance, and learn new skills. It will help you to improve stay proactive and progressive.
Can you achieve a lot by this 10-minute activity?
No, but there’s a lot of things around you to do when you get a weird little window of time and when you don’t have a lot of energy.